Occupational Stress

Have you ever heard of a cardiac arrest, blockage in angina, high cholesterol and high diabetic to an employee in the age group of 30 to 40, 20 years back ? But, it is common nowadays due to stress we are experience in our official work. Stress, in essence, is a feeling of doubt about being able to cope, a perception that the resources available do not match the demands made. When it persists, stress can cause physical and psychological ill-health and adversely affect social functioning.

Syndrome of Occupational stress:

Restless sleep, loss of appetite, headache, a complete sense of exhaustion, difficulty in concentrating, job dissatisfaction, low morale, alienation, short-temper and irritation are the symptoms of stress. During stress, as a pre-programmed biological system, brain activates hormone release, pulse, respiration, muscles (which is called as flight response) to defend the alarming situation. Every person faces this situation, but repetition of the same in frequent intervals is a cause of concern. Continuing the body in such constant state of activation damages the biological systems. Such recurrent disbalance causes fatigue and curtails the bodily ability to defend.

Remedy to Stress:

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, (NIOSH) research suggested examples of individual and situational factors that can help to reduce the effects of stressful working conditions include the following:

  • Balance between work and family or personal life
  • Create support network of friends and coworkers and talk out openly
  • Maintain relaxed and positive outlook/attitude
  • Change the motto – No one is perfect – perform the best
  • Have realistic expectations
  • Have a balanced diet
  • Practice relaxation and meditation
  • Thorough medical check up at frequent intervals

Tips for relaxation at Office

  • Right Posture
  • Eye Exercise
  • Neck Relaxation
  • Shoulder Exercise
  • Breathing Exercise

Stress Management through Promotion of Mental Health
M - Money Management, Minimize needs, Meditation
E - Earnest Expectations, Enjoy the work you do
N - Avoid Negative thinking
T - Try to be happy Today
A - Accept and Adopt Reality
L - Avoid Loneliness
H - Develop good Hobbies
E - Live in good Environment. Express yourself clearly
A - Be Active and have positive Attitude
L - Try to Learn more and Manage Life
T - Have realistic Targets and Tackle one at a time
H - Maintain Healthy life style

Easiest Method to De-Stress

Part Time work

If you want to be prosperous for a year – Grow Grain

If you want to be prosperous for ten years – Grow Trees.

If you want to be prosperous for a Life Time – Grow People.

To have the things you don't have you will have to do things you haven't done!

Success is doing something good when you can, where you can and while you can!

The size of you success is determined by the size of your belief!

Success = Change...

Think about this:

Are you truly successful in what you are doing today?

Would you continue doing it even if you did not receive a single rupee for the same?

Does your current job/business/profession, assure you security for your family even after you discontinue doing it?

If the answer to even one of the above mentioned questions is “NO”, you need to continue reading...

Amazing photos of New Doha International Airport

Doha International Airport is the only commercial airport in Qatar. It has three mosques, free Wi-Fi, a duty-free area, a few eateries and 42 parking bays for aircraft. There are also 60 check in gates, 5 baggage claim belts and over 1,000 car parking spaces.
The airport suffers from over utilization even though the airport has been expanded numerous times. The current capacity stands at 12 million passengers per year. Its 15,000 ft. runway is one of the longest at a civil airport. It is the main base of Qatar Airways. In the past, the airport was mostly used by Qatari Holiday makers and foreign workers coming for the oil and gas sector. Now the airport is attracting more people such as holiday makers and transit travelers, it is also growing as Qatar Airways is expanding more rapidly. British Airways used to operate Concordes on the route.
The existing airport will be replaced in late 2011 or early 2012 when the first phase of New Doha International Airport is expected to open.
The airport is currently ranked as a 3 star by skytrax along with 7 other airports

Some amazing photos of the airport:

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